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Conservation Minutes 10/14/15
Newbury Conservation Commission (NCC)
October 14, 2015
Approved April 18, 2016

Members Present: Katheryn Holmes, Chair; Eric Unger, Vice-Chair; Chuck Crickman, Members; Bill Annable, Sue Russell, Alternates.

Ms. Holmes called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.

Mr. Unger reported on the following Intents to Cut:
  • Nowell, Tax Map/Lot # 25-021-739-158. Mr. Unger said he talked with the logger and confirmed that forestry management practices were being observed. The cut is for mainly firewood.
  • Margie A. Michie for Tax Map/Lot # 30-275-316. Ms. Holmes, Russel Smith, Selectman, and Mr. Unger made a site visit. Since the property involves a ridgeline, the BOS requested that Mr./Ms. Michie meet with them to discuss. Mr./Ms. Michie is in Florida for the winter and the matter has been tabled until spring 2016.  
  • Garret & Marcia Keane, on Red House Road, Tax map/Lot # 31-344-471. Mr. Unger noted that he discussed the regulations with the property owner who assured compliance.
Ms. Holmes reported on the following Buffer Zone Cuts:
  • Barbara Marks for property located at 24 Lake Avenue, for removal of a dead tree.
  • Betty Holcomb, David & Catherine Costello for property located at 14 Stoodley Drive, Tax Map/Lot # 020-127-405.
Ms. Holmes reviewed the following communications from the NH Department of Environmental Services (DES):

Shoreland Applications Submitted
  • For Azodi, 211 Route 103, Newbury, for a project on property located on Chalk Pond/Gerald Drive, Tax Map/Lot #29A-055-377.
  • For Christopher & Barbara Gootkind, for a project at 85 Grace Hill, Newbury, Tax Map/Lot #15-328-206.
Ms. Holmes shared with the NCC the following information:
  • An upcoming workshop, “Forest Laws for Municipal Officers”, on November 9, 2015.
  • The NH Association of Conservation Commissions meeting on November 7, 2015.
  • The NH Municipal Association meeting on November 19-20, 2015.
  • “Climate Change & New England Forests” on November 18-19, 2015; sponsored by the Forest Adaptation organization.
Mr. Annable shared with Commissioners his suggestions regarding the Wild Goose Boat Launch Project and how to best minimize the potential safety issues regarding ingress and egress on Route 103. Commissioners agreed that Mr. Annable’s suggestions should be shared with the Board of Selectmen and all appropriate parties within the town.

Within that context, it was decided that copies should be made and sent to the BOS, Town Administrator, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Adjustment, and the Intertown Record.

Mr. Crickman informed the Commission that he will be leaving the Commission. Commissioners expressed regret at his decision and deep appreciation for his many contributions to the NCC over the past years.

Commissioners reviewed and discussed the current annual memberships in the following organizations:
  • Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust
  • Lake Sunapee Protective Association
  • Society for the Protection of NH Forests
Mr. Unger made a motion to approve renewal of annual membership for the above three organizations. Ms. Russell seconded the motion. All in favor.

Mr. Unger made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Crickman seconded the motion. All in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Meg Whittemore
Recording Secretary